Monday, October 10, 2011

....hidden feelings....

                 If I could say I LOVE YOU                  
                 I should say it many times                     
                 But I don’t want you to know               
                 Because you don’t seems to mind.          

                 I tried myself to forget you                    
                But my HEART doesn’t seems to follow 
               The more I try to forget you                     
               The more my heart says I LOVE YOU…..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

.....DON'T QUIT.......

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many fellow turns about.
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow-
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late
When the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the light when you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t QUIT.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

stresses and depression

*What stresses you out?*                                                *What are some signs of depression?*
 -Studies.                                                                           -Sadness that won't go away.
 -Negative thoughts and feelings.                                        -Irritability over even small things.
 -Broken relationships.                                                       -Feelings of hopelessness.
 -Problems at home.                                                          -Lack of enthusiasm or motivation.
 -Changing schools.                                                           -Anger, rage, anxiety.
 -Chronic illness.                                                                -Sudden decline in grades.
 -Lack of money.                                                                -Thoughts of death or suicide.
 -Traumatic memories.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Top 10 QUALITIES of an ideal friend

1.Loyal and Reliable.
2.Honest and Trustworthy.
3.Similar life goals.
4.Offers you honest constructive criticism.
5.Good listener.
6.Funny.Makes you laugh.
7.Makes time for you.
8.Able to keep a secret.
9.Willing to help you when you are in need.
10.Good conversationalist.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


     Parents are the most important teachers a child will ever have. They are responsible for the child's physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development and well-being, a task that requires much time and thought. Their love for their child is an "unconditional love".

     Parents should try to make a distinction between actions (behavior) and the person. The parent disapproves of the behavior, but loves the child. This can be difficult for children to understand. But if the parents do not make the distinction, the child may develop low feeling of self-worth.

Children should be allowed to express their feelings and parents can help children to express feelings in a healthy manner. Parents should also praise their children for their efforts. Children want to please. It is critical that parents should recognize and respond in a positive manner to their efforts.

Helping Children to Learn.....

       Parents can help develop their child potential in a variety of ways. The child needs love and attention, freedom to discover and toys and games that make learning fun.
      A parent can stimulates a child's senses at a very young age so that the child becomes sensitive to the environment. Bright colors  stimulate eyes, soft music encourages talking and singing, and interesting noises stimulate hearing. Objects with a variety of textures develop a sense of touch, as do being held and cuddled.
     Story telling encourages imagination and creativity. Toys such as building blocks not only help the imagination grow but also further motor control and body coordination.
     Children develop their communication skills and master the language by talking with people. Parents can carry on conversations, point out interesting thinks to the child, and discuss various things that interest the child. Through all of the teachings parents should find time every day to have fun with their child.

...what is friendship?..

         No greater relationship exists between people than freindship. Indeed, friendship, we find a reason to live as well as a reason to die. Young people especially value their freinds and know the truth of the above statements.

       Friendship is a kind of love. It is more than sharing a cone of ice cream or helping with a difficult assignment. It is the sharing of life. Sharing feelings about someone you love. Asking and changing opinion or advices to each other. Friendship-love, is a very special kind of love. It is a chooses love which makes us really human.

About Me

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I'm simple,silent type,understanding and loving.. easy to mingle with others and a friendly person.