Monday, October 10, 2011

....hidden feelings....

                 If I could say I LOVE YOU                  
                 I should say it many times                     
                 But I don’t want you to know               
                 Because you don’t seems to mind.          

                 I tried myself to forget you                    
                But my HEART doesn’t seems to follow 
               The more I try to forget you                     
               The more my heart says I LOVE YOU…..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

.....DON'T QUIT.......

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many fellow turns about.
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow-
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late
When the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar,
So stick to the light when you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t QUIT.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

stresses and depression

*What stresses you out?*                                                *What are some signs of depression?*
 -Studies.                                                                           -Sadness that won't go away.
 -Negative thoughts and feelings.                                        -Irritability over even small things.
 -Broken relationships.                                                       -Feelings of hopelessness.
 -Problems at home.                                                          -Lack of enthusiasm or motivation.
 -Changing schools.                                                           -Anger, rage, anxiety.
 -Chronic illness.                                                                -Sudden decline in grades.
 -Lack of money.                                                                -Thoughts of death or suicide.
 -Traumatic memories.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Top 10 QUALITIES of an ideal friend

1.Loyal and Reliable.
2.Honest and Trustworthy.
3.Similar life goals.
4.Offers you honest constructive criticism.
5.Good listener.
6.Funny.Makes you laugh.
7.Makes time for you.
8.Able to keep a secret.
9.Willing to help you when you are in need.
10.Good conversationalist.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


     Parents are the most important teachers a child will ever have. They are responsible for the child's physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development and well-being, a task that requires much time and thought. Their love for their child is an "unconditional love".

     Parents should try to make a distinction between actions (behavior) and the person. The parent disapproves of the behavior, but loves the child. This can be difficult for children to understand. But if the parents do not make the distinction, the child may develop low feeling of self-worth.

Children should be allowed to express their feelings and parents can help children to express feelings in a healthy manner. Parents should also praise their children for their efforts. Children want to please. It is critical that parents should recognize and respond in a positive manner to their efforts.

Helping Children to Learn.....

       Parents can help develop their child potential in a variety of ways. The child needs love and attention, freedom to discover and toys and games that make learning fun.
      A parent can stimulates a child's senses at a very young age so that the child becomes sensitive to the environment. Bright colors  stimulate eyes, soft music encourages talking and singing, and interesting noises stimulate hearing. Objects with a variety of textures develop a sense of touch, as do being held and cuddled.
     Story telling encourages imagination and creativity. Toys such as building blocks not only help the imagination grow but also further motor control and body coordination.
     Children develop their communication skills and master the language by talking with people. Parents can carry on conversations, point out interesting thinks to the child, and discuss various things that interest the child. Through all of the teachings parents should find time every day to have fun with their child.

...what is friendship?..

         No greater relationship exists between people than freindship. Indeed, friendship, we find a reason to live as well as a reason to die. Young people especially value their freinds and know the truth of the above statements.

       Friendship is a kind of love. It is more than sharing a cone of ice cream or helping with a difficult assignment. It is the sharing of life. Sharing feelings about someone you love. Asking and changing opinion or advices to each other. Friendship-love, is a very special kind of love. It is a chooses love which makes us really human.

Monday, August 1, 2011

....mathematics of love....

You add gentle touches to my life
And you subtract the pain someone left behind
Let's multiply our heart that is full of love
And we will divide the memories of hatred in the past.

Graph in your heart the equation of my love
With the sentence of my mind that speaks of love
You will never measure the quantity of my love
Because everyday my love grows like an arrow without end.

My love for you is a circle
That is round and of no end
I can't stop to be afraid
That someday I will experience a love triangle.

I guess all my fears will be through
Because I've known that I am in the right angle of your love
But there's one more thing I'd fear about
That's the exam I'm taking in Math.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Self-esteem is how you think and feel about your-self. It is the way how you regard yourself.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you were someone else? Probably everyone who has ever lived wished that they could change at least one thing about themselves: their nose, their height, their personality, their way of living and others. But whatever and whoever we are, we must accept everything we already know about ourselves and also everything we learn about our self by looking into the mirror of other people’s behavior.
Look, money, possessions, popularity. They all

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


When we say depression, we’re not using the word in the clinical sense. We’re talking about the depression people refer to when they sigh and say, “I’m depressed”. It’s also known as feeling blue, gloomy, glum, disheartened, melancholy, forlorn and in the pits. It’s the “downs” of the usual cycle of ups and downs.
Depression is often caused by a sense of not having accomplished enough. We question the usefulness of what we’ve achieved in the past, and doubt our ability to achieve anything useful in the future. Self-doubt robs us of our energy that lead us to feel depressed.
We look at all we want to do. It seems overwhelming. We tell ourselves, “I can’t do all this,” and instantly fulfill our own prophecy by not even trying. The energy drops even more, and the depression deepens. We were the one sometimes who underestimated ourselves instead of thinking positive and encourage ourselves to just try it.
“If you feel depressed, just relaxed yourself”. Think of the things that could make you enjoy and forget the problems or the things that make you depressed.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


   One of the least disguised is mistakes.It obviously,show us what needs to be improved.It make us realize the wrong decision and bad deeds that we made.Without mistakes,how would we know what we had to work on?Mistakes give us a lesson to avoid doing they same things again and a reason to make our next step better.This seems an invaluable aide to learning,and yet many people avoid situations in which mistakes might take place.
    If you're learning,growing and trying new things you need to expect mistakes.They're a natural part of the learning process.In fact,someone once said,"if you're not making at least 50 mistakes a day,you're not trying hard enough".You should not be afraid of trying to do new things because in this world "nobody is perfect"each of us could do mistakes.And avoiding situations in which you might make mistakes may be the biggest mistake at all.
   Even scientists,before they could able to make their invention success,they need first to have several test and make different experiment as well.Like the story of THOMAS EDISON,who made 1000 unsuccessful attempts before arriving at the light bulb."How did it feel to fail 1000 times?"a reporter asked."I didn't fail 1000 times"Edison replied."The light bulb was an invention of 1001 steps".
   You should aim for success,not perfection.Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.Confronting your fears and allowing yourself the right to be human can,paradoxically,make you a far happier and more productive person.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


     Acceptance is such an important commodity; some have called it “the first law of personal growth”. It is simply seeing something the way it is and saying “that’s the way it is”.
Acceptance is not approval,consent,permission, authorization, sanction,concurrence,agreement,compliance,sympathy,endorsement,confirmation,support,ratification,assistance, advocating,maintaining,encouraging,promoting,abetting or even liking what it is.
     Acceptance is not a state of passivity or inaction.We are not saying you can’t change the world, right with wrong or replace evil with good.Acceptance is, in fact, the first step to successful action.
     If you don’t fully accept a situation precisely the way it is, you will have difficulty changing it. Moreover, if you don’t fully accept the situation, you will never really know if the situation should be changed.
     When you accept, you relax; you let go; you become patient. That’s the true value of acceptance: you feel better about life, and about yourself. Everything we’ve said about acceptance applies to things you have done or failed to do as well.
     When you’re in a state of non-acceptance, it’s difficult to learn. A clenched fist cannot receive a gift, and a clenched psyche-grasped tightly against the reality of what must not be accepted-cannot easily received a lesson.
     Relax. Accept what do already taken place whether done by you or something outside of you. Then look for the lesson. You might not enjoy everything that happens in life, but you can enjoy the fact that no matter what happens, “there’s a lesson in here someplace”.

Monday, July 11, 2011


             Would you tell me who I am?
             Or can your lips tell lies
             Do you utter words about me?
             You can't, because you can't see.
             Why have you been blind for so long
             And never heard the sweet, soft song
             You turned your back and walk away
             You sailed far into a deep, quiet bay.

             Why did I think you'd come back
             And make up for the things in which you lacked
             But there's a lot of things I know will see me through
             I don't have to talk who I am to you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saying good-bye's on what we have Lost

  This is a lifetime of good-byes.As we continue with life,we will say good-bye to cherished people,things and ideas.Learn to say goodbye.Allow yourself to mourn each loss.As with a physical wound,the body has its own schedule for healing.It will tell you when it has healed.
  If we loss something we tend to be on denial stage wherein our mind denies the loss.Often,the first words we utter when hearing of a loss is "Oh,no," or "this can't be".Others denies the hurt of loss through overwork,taking drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes),and other addictive activities or sheer force of will just for them to forget the hurt that they feel because of losing something.
  Others tend to be angry or depressed at whatever or whomever caused the loss(including the person who left)They often turn the anger within and feel guilt over something they did or did not do and sometimes they tend also to blame their self.
  Understanding and acceptance is the best way for us to survive when we loss something.We must realize that life does go on,that loss is just a part of life,and that our life can and will be complete without the presence of that which was lost.We have to learn to say GOOD-BYE,LET GO, and embrace the new moment.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 can buy anything but not everything....

   Many of us give importance to money and considered it as very useful in our everyday lives.We continue living because of having money to buy for our foods,shelter and clothes that we need for our survival.We spend money for our education for us to have an opportunity to find a good job to earned money.But it takes hard work and more effort to make money.A businessmen take the risk on their investment because the want to earned money.
    "Money could buy anything but not everything" in a sense that as what some says "with money you can buy a house but not a home;a clock but not time;a book but not knowledge;visit a doctor but not good health;buy a position but not respect;blood but not life and sex but not love".A lot of people experience and tend to realize this situations.Like a family who live with a lot of money ,they had a good source of income but each of them don't have time to each other.A child whose parents were both busy in their business and no enough time to be spent for him/her.They have money but does their money already enough for him/her to be happy even his/her parents have no time to bond for him/her?If this will compared to a family who live a simple life.They tend to be contented of what they have as long as they live together as a whole family.They live a happy life even in a simple way.So if you were a child where would you choose to be belong?
    Money is the root of all evil that is according to the bible.Maybe because of several situations happening nowadays on our society as we have seen from television.Others tend to do evil things because of "lusting money" like car-napping and kidnapping which some made it as their source of income.They tend to killed a life because of their desires to have money.Some used their money to have power for them to gain respect from others.But money could be also a root of all good if you the way of you used your money  is for good things without harming others despite could give benefits to them like helping poor people,donating it to charitable institution and etc.We must know how to work hard by ourselves just to earned money and not by harming others.Life is a cycles of giving and receiving but its better to give than to receive.We must shared what we have so that others would do the same.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"What makes my LIFE complete"?

   To be born and live in this world is a precious gift from our God and from my parents especially to my mother who bear me for almost 9 months in her womb until she gives me birth.I am thankful and blessed that I was able to see and discover how beautiful and wonderful to live in this world together with other creatures created by God.I was able to experience the hardship,happiness and sadness while living.Unlike those child who was abort by their parents due to unexpected pregnancy wherein those didn't even exercise their rights to be born and see the beauty of this world we are enjoying now.And we are already aware of it because that's what really happening nowadays.
   Each of us could have our own definition regarding what life is? That sometimes makes me wonder...."What  life means? and Do I have a purpose or mission why I am here?These questions could be answered also by ourselves through of our experiences as we continue living.And that's what I've realize that maybe the reason why I'm here are to be a good daughter,a loving sister,an ideal students,a good citizen for our nation and a good servant to our God.
    How I wish that my life would be perfect,full of fantasy an live a life like a fairytale that I only watched on television,heard from radio drama and read from fairy tales book.Is it enjoyable that  your living a life in an easy way right?Maybe YES...maybe NO....But what if life were perfect?"You live in a perfect world of perfect people and perfect possessions,with everyone and everything doing the perfect thing at the perfect time.You had everything you wanted,precisely when you wanted it".Maybe you would say "WOW"....but don't you think you would be fun or you will get bored?I think life would be interesting if there will be a risk sometimes,adventurous and challenging like we had experience in reality.Having a perfect life would just be only a dream for us because it's impossible....WAKE UP! is not and wouldn't be like that even we wanted to live on that way.
   As I continue my journey,I learned a lot about life through of my experience.I realized the hardship of living with problems and difficulties that I've encountered.Able to pass all of those through to my faith and hope to our God that he will never leave me despite he will going to guide me in a right path.My family and friends makes my life complete through to their undying support for me to continue and finish my studies.To their sacrifices and countless advice that will always marked on my mind and will reminds me that I need to strive more...more than on what they do for me to repay all the sacrifices they have done for me by studying hard and doing my best on all things to attain my goal in life.Their love and care makes me realize that I have my companion and a shoulder to lean on whenever I failed.Their continuing encouragement and motivation makes me strong to fight for my dreams.They were the one who have a great contribution to develop more my personality.
    Even problems and challenges has a great impact to make my life to be colorful because through these I learned more about life and about myself.I discover my strength and weakness,how I would able to the the situation by myself.If I failed twice or thrice my failures would be my weapon for me to learn from my mistakes and would motivate me to be strong and consider it as a test that I'm going to passed.Always remember that life is a combination of failures and success.Always expect the unexpected because life is full of surprises that you need to be prepared.Enjoy life and always find a way that would make you happy and for it to perfect even in a simple way.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

     Everybody is dreaming for his PRINCESS and her PRINCE. One always tries to make his/her best to make them attractive to their opposite sex.Love is paid to be the most mysterious ,wonderful and fascinating feeling that everyone might feel but love is the most painful feeling that you will feel if that person whom you loved breaks your heart.
     How poetic at that thought but that is the reality.Many people wonder why there is love and what is really love?WEBSTER dictionary defines the word "LOVE" as an intense feeling next to respect.Many people out there is dreaming of love,the real love that will become their partner in life.But that's a very long journey for sometimes CUPID becomes STUPID that you feel in love for unexpected time,person and place....
     Some situations occurs which  friends become lovers,others from crush and even enemies become lovers.When somebody fall in love one is intended to feel and exhibits awkwardly.He or she must be at best for the good impression of his/her love ones.These things are good for it can be an inspiration but the worst thing that will happen if you'll get obsess and get no desperate for the one you love.
     Many youth were lead astray because they feel they found true love but its not.Then many engaged to premarital sex because they can't control their feelings for the desired of flesh.
     LOVE,love,LOVE...many wrong perception burst into air because of love.Yes its a great feeling of expression to opposite sex,yet we must got to near definition..."its an intense feeling next to respect".
     Before you can find true love,you must love yourself first because no one can expressed love to you if you don't love yourself since learning to love yourself is the way for you to have trust and confident.

About Me

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I'm simple,silent type,understanding and loving.. easy to mingle with others and a friendly person.