How poetic at that thought but that is the reality.Many people wonder why there is love and what is really love?WEBSTER dictionary defines the word "LOVE" as an intense feeling next to respect.Many people out there is dreaming of love,the real love that will become their partner in life.But that's a very long journey for sometimes CUPID becomes STUPID that you feel in love for unexpected time,person and place....
Some situations occurs which friends become lovers,others from crush and even enemies become lovers.When somebody fall in love one is intended to feel and exhibits awkwardly.He or she must be at best for the good impression of his/her love ones.These things are good for it can be an inspiration but the worst thing that will happen if you'll get obsess and get no desperate for the one you love.
Many youth were lead astray because they feel they found true love but its not.Then many engaged to premarital sex because they can't control their feelings for the desired of flesh.
LOVE,love,LOVE...many wrong perception burst into air because of love.Yes its a great feeling of expression to opposite sex,yet we must got to near definition..."its an intense feeling next to respect".
Before you can find true love,you must love yourself first because no one can expressed love to you if you don't love yourself since learning to love yourself is the way for you to have trust and confident.
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